Home >IIDMC ® FAQs

General FAQs

What is IIDMC ® ?

The International Institute For Digital Marketing Certifications(IIDMC ®), is a body constituted for providing certifications in Digital Marketing. It mainly aims at acknowledging the fresh possibilities that manifest in the digital marketing domain.

Why IIDMC ® ?

IIDMC ® has a structured framework for assessing the need for the various certification it provides. All the IIDMC ® certifications carry wide recognition globally.

Do IIDMC ® certifications carry value ?

Yes. All the IIDMC ® certifications are designed in order to suit the current demands of the industry. IIDMC ® certifications facilitate an individual to advance in his/her career and can help in getting better job offers.

How do I register for IIDMC ® certifications?

The registration for the IIDMC ® certifications can be done at

How long does it take to get certified ?.

Once the examination results are out, the individual will receive a copy of the certificate to his /her mail. You can find more information at

Will I get a certification, without work experience?

Yes. IIDMC ® certification can be obtained even without work experience.

What is the procedure to change my name on the certificate ?

You need to send a request to the certification body, for change of a name.

FAQs On Certification

What is the IIDMC ® certification scheme ?

IIDMC ® offers certifications at different levels of expertise to choose from. You can find the certifications that best suits your level of knowledge and skillsets.

Which IIDMC ® certification should I choose?

IIDMC ® offers certifications for various levels of expertise. You can choose based on the roles you handle, as a professional, your knowledge and interest in the subject matter, and also based on your goals.

Does an IIDMC ® certificate carry validity for a lifetime?

No, IIDMC ® certifications do not carry validity for a lifetime. Once the validity gets over, it has to be renewed.

What should I when the validity of the certification gets expired?

Once the validity of your certificate expires, you will have to renew it further.

How can I maintain my IIDMC ® certification ?

You can maintain your certificate by renewing it annually.

What is the procedure, if I fail to renew my certificate ?

If you don’t renew your certificate, it expires by default.

FAQs On Examination

Can I reschedule my examination ?

Yes, it is possible to reschedule your examinations.

What is the procedure for rescheduling the examination?

The rescheduling of the examination can be done by sending a request to IIDMC ® , along with the reason for rescheduling.

What are the modes of payment available for paying fees ?

IIDMC ® accepts all the fee payments through the online channels.

Can I pay my examination fee in installments?

No. There is no option for paying in installments. The examination fees should be paid in full at the time of registration.

When will I get the results of the examination?

The results will be published within 7-10 days from the date of the examination.

Can I take breaks between the exam ?

No breaks are provided during the examination

FAQs On Partners

What are the benefits of the IIDMC ® Partner Program?

The IIDMC ® Partner Program helps corporates, training providers to be associated with a body that holds wide recognition and also can reap the benefit of the assessment based certifications.

How can I apply for the IIDMC ® partner program?

Application for the IIDMC ® Partner Program can be done in the IIDMC ® website. Please visit for more information